
1 to draw*, to pull ( anche fig.): trarre a sé, to draw to oneself; trasse a sé la sedia e sedette, he drew the chair towards him and sat down; trasse il denaro di tasca, he took ( o pulled) the money out of his pocket; trarre a riva, to pull to the shore; trarre la spada, to draw ( o to unsheathe) one’s sword // ( banca): trarre assegni, cambiali, to draw cheques, bills of exchange; trarre allo scoperto, to overdraw

2 ( derivare) to draw*, to derive, to get*: trarre vantaggio da qlco., to derive ( o to gain) benefit from sthg.; trae origine da una nobile famiglia, he comes from a noble family; trae ispirazione dalla natura, he draws his inspiration from nature; il regista ha tratto il film da un romanzo dell’ 800, the director has based his film on a 19th century novel; trarre una conclusione, to draw a conclusion; non bisogna trarre conclusioni affrettate, don’t jump to (hasty) conclusions; trarre il miglior partito da qlco., to make the best of sthg.

3 ( condurre) to lead*, to draw*: la curiosità lo trasse qui, curiosity led him here // trarre in inganno, to deceive ( o to mislead)

4 ( gettare) to throw*: trarre i dadi, to throw ( o to cast) the dice

5 ( non com.) ( defalcare) to deduct: trarre le spese dal ricavo totale, to deduct expenses from the total proceeds. ?

trarsi v.rifl. to draw*: trarre in disparte, indietro, to draw aside, back; è molto timida, si trae sempre indietro, ( fig.) she is very shy, she is always very retiring ( o reserved) // trarre d’impiccio, to get out of a fix